Pensions and tax

Will I receive Payslips?

You can view your payslip and P60 online. You can access to your online account at Isio – Access your pension management platform. You will need your Member reference and login details.

We have previously sent you this login information, but if you no longer have this please contact us and we will resend it – You can request a new password on the login page.

How do I change my contributions?

If you are currently employed by the company that sponsors your pension scheme, you may be able to increase your pension contributions or pay ‘Additional Voluntary Contributions’. You may need to contact your HR or Pensions department about this.

What is a Benefit Statement?

If you are still working for a company and a member of their scheme, you will receive an annual Benefit Statement. This shows how your benefits are building up. Some Defined Benefit schemes and all Defined Contribution schemes will also send annual Benefit Statements to members of a scheme, who have left employment.

What is the Annual Allowance?

The Annual Allowance is the limit set by the government on how much you can save in a pension scheme before having to pay tax. From the 2023/24 tax year, the Annual Allowance is £60,000. This amount is reduced further if you have an adjusted income greater than £260,000 and your threshold income is greater than £200,000. The government looks at a period of time called the Pension Input Period, to see how much the value of your benefits have increased. This increase is known as your Pension Input Amount and is included in your annual Benefit Statement. You need to check that the pension input amounts from all your pension savings do not go above the Annual Allowance. You may want to speak to an Independent Financial Adviser about this or read more about the detail here.

What is the Lump Sum Allowance (LSA) and the Lump Sum and Death Benefit Allowance (LSDBA)?

The LSA of £268,275 is the overall limit for receiving tax relief on lump sums paid at retirement.  The LSA is used up by Pension Commencement Lump Sums (PCLS) and the 25% tax-free element of Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sums (UFPLS).   Lump sums on total commutation of small pensions (trivial commutation lump sums, winding up lump sums and ‘small lump sums’), will not count towards these allowances.


The LSDBA of £1,073,100 will reduce through payment of a PCLS, and the 25% tax-free element of an UFPLS, as well as a serious ill-health lump sum, and the non-taxable part of any authorised lump sum death benefits (excluding a charity lump sum death benefit and a trivial commutation lump sum death benefit).

How do I log in to My Pension Tracker?

You can view your payslip and P60 online. You can access to your online account at Isio – Access your pension management platform. You will need your Member reference and login details.

We have previously sent you this login information, but if you no longer have this please contact us and we will resend it – You can request a new password on the login page.

What should I do if I have tax code queries?

We cannot answer questions about your tax code. If you think you are paying the wrong amount of tax, or if you think your tax code is wrong, you must contact HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) direct, quoting your National Insurance number (if you have one).

Phone: 0300 200 3300

Textphone: 0300 200 3319

Outside UK: +44 135 535 9022

Opening times:

8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday

8am to 4pm, Saturday

Closed Sundays and bank holidays

Best time to call: Phone lines are less busy before 10am, Monday to Friday

Post: Pay As You Earn and Self Assessment HM Revenue & Customs, BX9 1AS, United Kingdom

When will I receive my P60?

You can view your payslip and P60 online. You can log in online by going to Isio – Access your pension management platform. You will need your Member reference and login details. We have previously sent you this login information, but if you no longer have this please contact us and we will resend it. You can request a new password on the login page.

If for any reason you do still receive a paper payslip, this will be sent to you by the 31st of May.